
Original Music

Need a custom composition? We offer them for any project, genre or mood. Our extensive music library numbers in the thousands. Movie scores, product or business jingles, sound design for film, TV/radio commercials, video games, voice mail, ring tones, websites—we do it all, with fast turnarounds and relentless attention to detail, at rates that will fit your budget. Need musicians? See below.

Music translation/live musicians on request

Does your project lack that live feel you desire? We have musicians ready to translate any song or create original compositions for you. We can take your computer-generated sounds and translate them into a live band. Send us your tracks and we can spice them up!

Recording/sound engineering

Have a project that needs to be recorded by professionals? Legendary recording facility London Bridge Studios is home base for Raw Fingers. With just one email, you can book time in a world-class facility and give your project the professional sound it deserves. Contact the studio at:


Looking for mixing expertise? We offer onsite and offsite mixing for all projects. Standard studio rates apply.


Looking for a pro’s polish on your final product? Choose multi-platinum engineer Geoff Ott to your project. More info about Geoff is available at